Friday, August 5, 2011

Family day!!!

Is Family Day!!!!! Family are like fudge... Sweet with some nuts... haha!!! I think something is wrong with me when i told them that I'll cook dinner and lunch for my parents!!! Firstly, we went to TF Value Mart to buy food and also fruits.. For lunch, we're planned to do chicken salad while dinner i'll cook Cina fried rice with scallop and french fries... Yummy yummmy!!!

Mummy cutting the mango for the chicken salad!! Careful o.. hehe<3

Daddy preparing the pineapple for chicken salad too!!! Well, since my might cut the pineapple into less than half at the end, my dad came to rescue... whoa!!! I'm incharge to fry the popcorn chicken....=)

This is the chicken salad made by my parents and me!!! hehe~~~ Well, dear did help a little by preparing apple juice for us!!! Yummy yummy!!

Loving old couple... haha!!! Mummy, be careful with your knife o... hahaha!!!

Dinner time!!! Three fried rice with vegie and one without vegie.. Well, of course, mine is without the vegetables... Daddy say taste nice le... haha!!! Anyone wanna try?? lol...

Noobie dear with the food... hey... u block the nuggets and scallops>.< hehe!!!<3..
This might not the big things but we do enjoy it.. Even is a small things but someday when i looked back i'll realize that's a huge thing in my life... I LOVE MY FAMILY!!!
I- i

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